강동혁 (2XL)
양나원 (M)
DOUGH.HAUS is a canvas-type tool developed to post anything, breaking the limitations of existing tools that can only upload files in a limited format. Currently, you can upload <image>, <text>, <link>, <video>, <3D model>, <sound>, and <website>. Let's put the toppings you want on the dough and deliver them to everyone.
강동혁 (2XL)
양나원 (M)
DOUGH.HAUS is a canvas-type tool developed to post anything, breaking the limitations of existing tools that can only upload files in a limited format. Currently, you can upload <image>, <text>, <link>, <video>, <3D model>, <sound>, and <website>. Let's put the toppings you want on the dough and deliver them to everyone.